APQuímica Portal


Company Description:

AQP was founded in 1991, as a result of a joint venture between Kemira Ibérica (a company belonging to the Finnish chemical group Kemira) and Uniteca (now Bondalti Chemicals).

With headquarters and manufacturing facilities located in the Chemical Complex of Estarreja, it started the production and sale of inorganic coagulants in 1993.

In 1995 joined the Responsible Care Program® and has been a member of the PACOPAR community panel since its creation in 2001.

The manufactured products - aluminum-based coagulants - have as main application the water and wastwater treatment, namely the treatment of water for human consumption, process (industrial) water treatment and urban or industrial wastewater treatment. The same products are also used in the paper industry.


Address: Rua do Amoníaco Português 10 - 3860-680 Estarreja

Phone Number: + 351 234810300

Email: alvarim.padilha@bondalti.com


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